However, God does not test us to discover what we are made of—He already knows. Instead, His tests help us recognize where we stand with Him. Through them, we can see our sins, failures, and even our strengths. These moments of testing guide us to understand where we need to go with God and what adjustments must be made in our lives. When we take time to reflect on the journey, we'll notice how God has carefully used situations to shape our character and draw us closer to Him.
God Will Test Your Affection
What do you love most in life? This is a question we might avoid asking ourselves, but it's one that God will confront us with. Do you love your family more than God? Family is one of the most beautiful gifts we have, but it cannot become an idol. God will test your heart to see if you place Him above even those closest to you. The same goes for money—do you love wealth more than God? Material possessions are temporary, yet the temptation to cling to them is real. In His way, God will challenge us to let go of anything that competes with our love for Him.
God Will Test Your Sincerity
We can say the right things, do the right things, and even appear outwardly devoted, but God sees beyond the surface. He tests our sincerity. Are we really genuine in our commitment to Him, or are we just going through the motions? This test cuts deep because it forces us to examine our true motives. Are we worshipping Christ out of love or obligation? When trials come, it's our sincerity that will stand the test of time.
God Will Test Your Will
Do you have the will to serve the Lord? Serving God and serving others requires a committed determination that pushes through discomfort, inconvenience, and sacrifice. God tests our resolve to see if we will follow Him even when it's hard. Are you willing to serve people, especially when there's no recognition, appreciation, or reward? It's in those moments that our will is truly put to the test.
God Will Test Your Love for This Earth
The things of this world can easily capture our hearts, but God will test our love for the earth and its fleeting pleasures. Are we too attached to the comforts, pleasures, and distractions this life offers? God wants us to love Him above all else and live for eternity, not just for the here and now. This test brings us back to the question: where is our treasure?
God Will Test Your Understanding of Family
Who is your family? Jesus said that whoever does the will of His Father in Heaven is His family (Matthew 12:50). This test challenges us to expand our understanding of family beyond just blood relations. Are we willing to embrace and serve our spiritual family—the body of Christ? Are we willing to prioritize God's kingdom even over our earthly ties?
God Will Test the Advice You Follow
We are constantly bombarded with advice—some good, some bad. God will test our discernment to see if we take wise counsel or if we are swayed by the wrong voices. As 1 John 4:1 reminds us, we must "try the spirits whether they are of God." Are we willing to listen to advice and compare it to God's Word through prayer? This process helps us discern whether something is from God or simply a thought from our flesh, Satan, or the world. It's easy to follow what's popular, but are we willing to seek and follow godly advice, even when it's difficult or countercultural?
God Will Test Your Home
Our homes are supposed to be places of peace, but they can also become battlegrounds for spiritual growth. God will test us concerning our home life—how we lead, love, and live within our households. Are we cultivating an atmosphere that honors Christ? Is there a consistent presence of Christ and His Word throughout each day in the home, as Deuteronomy 6:7 instructs us? Do we have a daily family altar, or are we allowing chaos, division, or neglect to take root?
God Will Test Your Relationships with Others
Finally, God will test us in our relationships with other people. How do we treat those around us—both the ones we love and those who challenge us? God tests our patience, forgiveness, and humility in our interactions with others. Are we willing to lay aside our pride and love people the way Christ calls us to?