The opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics was supposed to be about the extraordinary talents of athletes from all around the world. However, the ceremonies left many around the world shocked and sickened by disturbing elements foretold as evil in the Bible, such as the golden calf idol and the pale horse of death and destruction. Most troubling was a grotesque performance by drag queens recreating Leonardo da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper. This display was a blatant act of blasphemy and a mockery of one of Christianity's most sacred moments for the Lord Jesus Christ.
In response, people worldwide have condemned these disturbing displays, with many Christians expressing their outrage on social media. But should our primary response be to complain and criticize? Should we be surprised that such overt blasphemy and public homage to Satan are taking place?
While I fully understand and share the anger at these acts of public wickedness, it should not come as a surprise. The Holy Bible warns us that such occurrences are to be expected, and history shows that the world has consistently blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ. Sadly, this trend will only intensify as we draw closer to the Tribulation.
The increasing public displays of evil clearly indicate that we are nearing a period of seven years of great darkness, unlike anything the world has ever experienced. World history reveals how the wicked have repeatedly encroached upon the righteous, imposing their will and causing immense suffering. Examples include the Nazi regime, the Soviet Union, Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic and Ottoman conquests.
As Christians, we should not be taken aback by these escalating public displays of perversion. The blasphemies and satanic worship seen in Paris signal a time when society will soon openly rejoice in persecuting Christians and Jews. The world once again is rapidly moving toward a global order that demands allegiance to powers other than the LORD GOD, and those who uphold their faith against this emerging agenda will face increasing persecution and even death.
These incidents at the Olympics are part of a larger trend that has become widely accepted across all sectors of life—television, music, news, school curriculums, legislative halls of government, and sadly, even in many churches that no longer uphold the faithful teaching of God's Holy Bible. The devil has been programming society for decades to reject the truth and embrace deception, turning Isaiah's prophecy into reality: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness" (Isaiah 5:20). Today, the notion of sin is rejected, and those who speak against actions contrary to God's Word are frequently labeled as racist, judgmental, or hateful.
This widespread acceptance of perversion and evil is not merely a societal shift but a clear indication of the world's readiness to embrace Satan himself. The Bible warns that during the Tribulation, the world will adore devils and unite in wicked and dark practices. Shockingly, these behaviors are already becoming common! Practices once associated with dark occult traditions—such as witchcraft, sorcery, and enchantments—are now openly displayed in households across our communities. As society increasingly embraces darkness, it serves as a wake-up call for Christians to get busy and occupy ourselves with preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The return of our Lord Jesus Christ is just around the corner, and we Christians should eagerly be anticipating our rapture to Heaven. While the world descends further into deep darkness, we have a crucial mission: to continue preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As long as we remain, it is because souls are still awaiting salvation. We must root our hearts in the Holy Bible, stay grounded in prayer, and urgently establish our lives as soulwinners seeking the lost. Though the world will increasingly mock and revile us, our hope rests solely in Christ. Let us shine our lights before the world on every mountain, highway, and byway until the day of His glorious return.