A Simple Understanding of the Great Commission by Lawrence Bowman
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For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Why do you call Me, “Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I say?"—Jesus Christ
What is it that Jesus exemplified and spoke about for us to do?” The answer can be summed up into one word—Soulwinning. Christ’s life modeled the pattern of what Christians are to do, and His last words here on earth plainly clarified the purpose and plan for life. Christ commanded, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.”
This command, notably known as the Great Commission, exposes the heartbeat of God’s heart. Although Christ’s words were straight to the point and simple to understand, the reality is many Christians not only misinterpret, but avoid God's way for their life; consequently failing to do God’s purpose and plan for their life. It is this issue that Lawrence Bowman assertively addresses and provides biblical insight and response.
In simple, practical and biblical terms, the pages of this book very candidly, fervently, and thoroughly expound on fundamental essentials about: (1)Why should a Christian be concerned with Christ’s Great Commission? (2)Can a Christian really use his ordinary life to accomplish God’s purpose and plan? (3)How can a Christian’s life be used to influence others to come close to God? (4)What effectively helps a Christian to accomplish Christ’s soulwinning orders? (5)What hinders a Christian’s success in obeying Christ’s order?
What is it that Jesus exemplified and spoke about for us to do?” The answer can be summed up into one word—Soulwinning. Christ’s life modeled the pattern of what Christians are to do, and His last words here on earth plainly clarified the purpose and plan for life. Christ commanded, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.”
This command, notably known as the Great Commission, exposes the heartbeat of God’s heart. Although Christ’s words were straight to the point and simple to understand, the reality is many Christians not only misinterpret, but avoid God's way for their life; consequently failing to do God’s purpose and plan for their life. It is this issue that Lawrence Bowman assertively addresses and provides biblical insight and response.
In simple, practical and biblical terms, the pages of this book very candidly, fervently, and thoroughly expound on fundamental essentials about: (1)Why should a Christian be concerned with Christ’s Great Commission? (2)Can a Christian really use his ordinary life to accomplish God’s purpose and plan? (3)How can a Christian’s life be used to influence others to come close to God? (4)What effectively helps a Christian to accomplish Christ’s soulwinning orders? (5)What hinders a Christian’s success in obeying Christ’s order?