Francis was brought to the Good Samaritan Children's Home in Malawi almost a year ago. When he came, he was crippled. Because of this, his family was unable to take care of him.The first Lady of Malawi brought him to Good Samaritan, asking if the orphanage could take him. They agreed. After a couple of months, the first Lady returned to check on him. She could not believe her eyes. God had did the impossible; he was walking!
Francis is a very vibrant teenager now, giving glory to God for what He has done for him. The wonderful staff at the orphanage continue to care for him, giving him love, education, food, and love some more.
Thank you to all of our supporters who make this possible.
We are always in need of more support, so if you haven't donated yet and would like to, please visit www.OrphanFrontier.org/donate.