During the dark era of the Great Flood, God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was only evil continually. God mercifully warned mankind through the preaching of Noah of impending judgment by a world wide flood. After the great judgment, God established a covenant with mankind in which He promised never again to destroy the world by a flood. God’s covenant was displayed through a rainbow adorned with seven vibrant colors. The number seven in the Bible represents completion, promise, and rest.
In modern days, mankind has rejected God's magnificent seven-colored rainbow (of promise) and substituted it with an alternative six-color rainbow (of judgment). This six-color rainbow discards the completeness and promise represented by the number seven, and instead embraces a deficient symbol of SIX that denotes in the Bible of judgment, incompleteness, and focus on man, not God.
Today sinners themselves are heralding their own doom by displaying a six-color rainbow of judgment. Just as in Noah’s day, God is warning the world through preachers of imminent judgment. But is anyone listening? Similar to the days of Noah before God's great judgment, humanity is preoccupied with their own affairs, oblivious to God's presence and involvement. Back in Noah’s day, man worshiped the gods of sexual perversion, materialism, and idolized one another. Today, humanity celebrates sexual perversion, is consumed in materialistic obsessions, and idolizes fellow human beings. Just as in Noah's time, only a few individuals heeded the words of the preacher, recognized God's warnings, and repented. Likewise, in our present day, only a remnant of people are heeding the preachers’ messages of repentance and seeing God's warnings.
Let us not deceive ourselves, for God will not be mocked. Swift judgment will be brought upon all humanity, not through a cataclysmic flood of water, but through the righteous fire of indignation of God by mankind's own destructive decisions.