Are you angry at someone? If so, here are two valuable suggestions to help you release that aggravation. I've been there too, hurt and angry, thinking mad about someone. It can be tough to let go, but two practices have been incredibly helpful in finding forgiveness and viewing others through God’s lens of compassion:
First, I write down their name and pray for them... And I pray for them some more... And for some individuals, I spend many days, weeks, and even months praying for them until I can genuinely ask for God's blessings to pour into their lives.
Second, this one is challenging but has always helped me release my anger. Buy them a gift!! Symbolically offer your anger at the feet of the cross of Jesus Christ by giving the person a nice gift. When I struggle to let go of all my anger, I make a trip to a store and use my hard-earned money to purchase them a thoughtful gift. I then mail it to them, sometimes accompanied by a card with encouraging words. On occasion, I mail them the gift anonymously so they never know it’s from me. It’s not about them knowing; it's about my own healing and growth.
I trust that these suggestions will be a source of help for the next time you find yourself consumed by anger and aggravation toward someone. It’s so much more wonderful living freely without the burden of unresolved emotions tying us down.