On a mount, called Calvary, a cross stood tall,
With a Man upon it, who gave His all.
The weight of the world, upon His meek shoulders,
A love in His heart, for all the beholders.
Stripped bare before His brutal foes,
A crown of thorns thrust upon His head arose,
With nails pierced through hands and feet,
He was raised upon that cross in agony replete.
Hung upon the tree, He showed His love,
Mockers taunted and made demands thereof,
Ridiculed by hatred, and scorned by many,
Yet steadfast and unshaken remained His love aplenty
The soldiers cast lots and parted His clothes,
As pain and love so fraught, His voice arose,
"Father, forgive them, they know not what they do,"
Unbound forgiveness, dear love so true.
In the darkness o'er the land, Jesus cried out loud,
"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
The Holy Ghost and Father turned away, aghast,
As Jesus bore the weight of sin and suffered God’s wrath.
The infliction of sin upon Him took its toll,
Exhausted in agony, Jesus cried out, "I thirst,"
His deity revealed, that all might know,
Longing for our souls, to be saved and made whole.
His thirst echoed that only He can quench,
The deepest longings of our soul's wrench,
A love unending, for us to entrench,
In his embrace, our hearts forever clench.
Christ, holy Redeemer, gave his life for us all,
At the end of his work, he declared his final call.
"It is finished," he cried with all his might,
“Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit,” in his last sight.
Then bowing his head, he yielded up his life,
A willing sacrifice to end our sinful strife.
In that moment, his purpose was clear,
To bear our sins and bring redemption near.
Calvary is not the end, on that rugged cross,
For death could not hold him in its loss,
Three days later, He triumphantly arose,
Conquering sin’s curse, and breaking death’s grip.
For Christ has won the ultimate fight,
And in His resurrection, we find our might,
Death and sin have lost their sting,
And in Christ, we have the victory ring.