Consider this question: Are you at ease with sin? I’m not referring to the sins of others; it's often simpler to scrutinize other people more harshly than ourselves. Rather, I ask if you are comfortable with your own sin? If there is an ease with sin, if it lingers in your life without triggering remorse, it's time to face a stark reality—there is a deep problem before God and within yourself. This is a serious matter that requires your sincere consideration.
We live in a generation that now blurs the distinction between right and wrong. Regardless of popular perceptions of what is considered right, it's imperative to acknowledge the unwavering righteousness and holiness of God. His immense love for us doesn't mean He turns a blind eye to unaddressed sins. Instead, because of love, He convicts us, nudges us, and persistently whispers about the unchecked aspects of our lives that require His redemption and purification. Why does He do this? Because God is inherently holy, and He rightfully holds the authority as LORD.
Here's a straightforward reality check: If someone can live in sin without it causing inner turmoil, two possibilities come to the forefront. Either they lack the Spirit of Christ within them, or they've allowed their hearts to harden to the extent of searing their conscience like a hot iron. Both situations are perilous, and both demand our immediate attention and repentance.
Not to have the Spirit of Christ within your soul means that you are not saved; your sins haven't been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, and they haven't been removed from your record and put onto the Cross of Calvary. If you find yourself not saved, I urge you to reflect deeply on the state of your soul. A holy God calls you to forsake sin, seek forgiveness, and embrace the transformative power of Christ's work of grace on the bloodshed Cross. Christ Jesus shed His blood on the cross, was buried, and three days later, He physically resurrected from the grave. Christ's holiness, and His love and grace demand that we confess our sins unto God and forsake them. Anyone who is in Christ Jesus is a new creature: he possesses the Spirit’s power to hate and forsake sin and follow Christ in a new life. The absence of remorse for sin is not a sign of strength; rather, it's an indicator of spiritual peril.
Those who profess Christ as their Saviour but comfortably dwell in sin, it's time for a soul-searching examination. The Spirit of Christ, within us, serves as a beacon of conviction, guiding us away from the darkness of sin toward the Light and liberty of God. If that conviction is absent, then this is an indicator you are not born again. No genuinely born-again individual can possess a holy God while openly embracing a life of sin; it’s impossible!
The person who persists in sin with God cannot avoid being miserable; such a person is a miserable hypocrite, a spectator to a battle between Light and darkness within himself. God will chastise such an individual until repentance occurs so that man can have fellowship with Him. If a genuinely saved person continues to resist the chastisement of God, then he risks hardening his heart to the wooing of God's Spirit, and further risks death. God chastises those He loves. Chastisement serves as evidence that a sinner has been born again with the Spirit of Christ.
The danger of living in sin without conviction is twofold. On one hand, it indicates a lack of true conversion, and on the other, it points to a heart so calloused that the admonitions of the Spirit are disregarded and unheard. Neither scenario is acceptable; both demand immediate action and repentance.
Let us not underestimate the urgency of dealing with unchecked sins—it’s a matter of eternal significance. Today, let's turn our hearts back to the Crucified One who is ready to forgive, redeem, and transform. It's time to confront the reality of our poor spiritual condition and seek the mercy and grace that only a loving God wants to provide.
May this message be a wake-up call to the soul, a call to repentance and forsaking of sin, and an invitation to experience the life-changing power of God's love. 🙏❣️ 💖