While some individuals assert that the flying objects spotted are of Chinese origin, many others speculate that they are evidence of extraterrestrial life. Government officials are now openly discussing UFOs and aliens, which used to be a big taboo. This topic is now acceptable, and society is delirious to hear more such discussions. However, everyone needs to pay attention because the world is being lured into a trap. People are being conditioned to embrace the notion that intelligent extraterrestrial life forms exist beyond planet earth. Indeed, the reality is that other intelligent life forms do exist, but they may not be who most anticipate them to be, nor from where most assume they originate.
Contrary to popular belief, these supposed extraterrestrial life forms are not extraterrestrial, nor alien. Nor are they our friends! They are not from another world, but rather, they are demons that have always existed among us beyond the scope of our physical senses. Demons have been operating in the spiritual realm for thousands of years, mostly beyond our physical perception. However, in recent times, the spiritual realms of dark powers are merging with the physical realm, leading to increased manifestation and visibility of these entities.
It may seem perplexing that demons are now manifesting themselves on a larger scale after all these millennia. Although this is not the first time such events have occurred, it is noteworthy that their activities are once again merging with the physical realm. While the biblical explanation for this is complex and lengthy, it can be said with certainty that recent events involving CERN, demonstrations of Satanic worship in many cities worldwide [such as in Brazil and England], and widespread sinful rebellion against God have collectively opened the doors for demonic activity to materialize in a tangible form.
Typically, the presence and actions of demons are not perceptible by human’s physical senses. However, their activities are becoming increasingly visible worldwide, which is a concerning indication that we are living in perilous times of biblical proportions. The upsurge in their activities is a major deception that will only escalate and intensify. It is imperative that we take heed of the Bible's warnings, as it foretells that deception will multiply exponentially in the days leading up to Christ's return.
Recent technological advancements have provided humans with the dangerous ability to manipulate and alter reality, almost like shape-shifting it to their liking. This ability is not new. The satanic forces understand this ability and have used shape-shifting for thousands of years. According to the Bible, the devil and his demons are shape-shifters and can assume different forms to deceive people. Furthermore, it is crucial to heed the biblical warnings regarding demonic activity in these last days. The deception lies in the fact that news media and governments fail to acknowledge the demonic and satanic nature of these phenomena.
As the day of Jesus Christ's return draws near, the Bible warns that many will be deceived and filled with fear due to the events that shall continue to unfold. They will deny the truth and allow themselves to fall prey to the tricks and wiles of the devil. They will become ensnared as deception shall continue to spread and intensify. Jesus Himself even warned that in the last days there shall be deceiving signs in the heavens. And the Bible has long foreseen everything that is currently happening before us. It is therefore crucial to hold fast to the truth of God's Word and exercise discernment, not being deceived by the signs and wonders that are continuing to appear before our very eyes.
Will you be deceived?