As individuals, do we genuinely prioritize the pursuit of truth over proving ourselves right? This contemplation led me to a profound realization: I WAS WRONG. ☠️ I had to take a step back and acknowledge this tough admission. It's a tough pill to swallow, but it's an important aspect of my journey; my story, which I've poured into the pages of my book "Confessions: A Memoir of Hope for the Suffering." It's more than a narrative; it's a raw and vivid exploration of my life's messy experiences, a journey through ups and downs that reveals the strength and hope found in embracing imperfections and suffering. 📖💪❤️
Now that I have completed the writing of this book, I wish to emphasize a crucial point: it is perfectly acceptable to be wrong. In fact, there is a sense of liberation in acknowledging and admitting one's errors. Why do we often feel the need to assert that we are always right? Is it a realistic expectation to believe that we can be in the right about everything? Absolutely not! Yet, we frequently act that way toward one another. 🤔
Consider a biblical perspective on the notion of being wrong. According to the Scriptures, one cannot approach God the Father without first humbling oneself and recognizing the error in one's beliefs. Many of us have spent years adhering to the belief that access to God is attainable through striving to do more good than bad, adhering to a religious law, or following various religious traditions. However, the Bible unequivocally asserts that salvation is exclusively through faith in Jesus Christ. Nothing else suffices. Therefore, to draw near to God, we must acknowledge our errors and turn to Christ. 📜✝️
The individual who refuses to recognize their wrong becomes an error unto themselves. Persisting in the wrong way, they remain entrenched in their errors simply because they resist admitting their wrong. Many individuals, driven by self-interest, steadfastly refuse to confess, forsake, and rectify their errors. Their refusal to humble themselves blinds them to the fact that their decisions are motivated by the insatiable desires of themselves—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. They arrogantly traverse the path of denial, pretending that they are immune to error. However, the consequences of their wrong inevitably catch up with them, and they ultimately meet their demise in the clutches of their own error. ☠️🚫
Liberty from error involves first acknowledging it and then confessing and forsaking it. In my personal journey, I have chosen that CONFESSION unto God is the right course of action. I candidly admit to my errors: I confess my unwise decisions, those harbored grievances against God and fellow man. There is no one to blame but myself—Lawrence Bowman bears the responsibility. Through CONFESSIONS, I sincerely pray that my story serves to help those who are grappling with suffering, ensnared by the wrong and malevolence of the world. My desire for this book is to encourage and inspire readers to fix their gaze upon Jesus Christ and humbly walk with God. In Christ, there is liberty, hope, and peace. 🌞🙏✨🌻🌺