The Bible, in Isaiah 28:21, describes a moment when God intervened to execute judgment upon a wicked people. Within this scripture, a remarkable aspect of God's character is revealed: the LORD indeed feels wrath toward sin, and at appointed times, He undertakes what is described as His "strange work" and "strange act." While God desires mercy and grace toward sinners, He also seeks justice, and there comes a point when people persist in their cold, hardened, and rebellious hearts, refusing to repent, thereby compelling God to enact justice. God's judgment is not a regular occurrence; rather, it is an extraordinary response necessitated by the relentless defiance and refusal of sinners to abandon their wrongdoing.
Throughout history, since the dawn of time, God has intervened to judge nations, peoples, and the entire world once. Yet, preceding each instance of His righteous judgment, God has graciously extended abundant opportunities for repentance. He has raised up preachers and servants to forewarn people of the impending judgment looming on the horizon. God's justice is never swift or arbitrary; rather, it is always preceded by ample warning, offering people the grace to renounce their transgressions and turn toward repentance.
For approximately two thousand years, preachers have risen to warn humanity of the impending wrath of God. Their voices have echoed the urgent message of repentance and redemption. Throughout my lifetime, Christians have consistently sounded the alarm, proclaiming that the Great Day of God's wrath is drawing near. Those who choose to disregard the wisdom of God’s Holy Bible find themselves without excuse. God’s message of impending judgment is unmistakably evident. In His grace, God also has manifested the warning within the heavens by celestial movements of stars, planets, and comets signaling impending Judgment.
In recent years, the intensity of these celestial manifestations has surged, capturing the attention of believers and skeptics alike. Over the last decade, we have borne witness to extraordinary signs and wonders in the sky, their significance reverberating across the globe: blood moons, eclipses, extraordinary planetary alignments, and the passing of comets through constellations. These phenomena serve as potent reminders of the immutable truth that the Day of Judgment looms ever closer.
And now, on April 8th, God will be signaling one of the final signs that judgment is on the horizon. First, casting our minds 7 years back to August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse traversed the United States from Washington to Georgia, capturing widespread attention. This event was significant because a second total solar eclipse is set to cross the USA from Texas to Maine, creating a remarkable celestial "X" visible for all the world to behold. The convergence of these two eclipse paths forming an unmistakable "X" appears as a divine proclamation of impending judgment. Furthermore, at the very same time, a comet named The Devil Comet will streak across the darkened heavens in the broad daytime. It's as if God is issuing a warning that as the Light of Judgment occurs, the darkness of the devil's great deception will simultaneously manifest.
God is issuing a resounding warning to the world, signaling the imminent pouring out of His wrath and indignation upon sin. The devil is keenly aware of this impending judgment too, and is preparing the world for that hour when we followers of Jesus Christ will be raptured (taken away), just before God unleashes His wrath for seven years. Immediately following the rapture, the devil will swiftly orchestrate the rise of a world leader who will charm the nations with "peace and security," but will become their demise. The world will give themselves allegiance to this man—a man with powers backed up by Satan himself—and if you think the Covid restrictions were stringent, they will pale in comparison to the deadly oppression imposed upon those who refuse to comply with his New World Order.
Friends, I implore you to awaken and see the reality unfolding around us. The world is engulfed in chaos in every aspect imaginable. It is imperative that you abandon the trappings of religion, deceit, sin, carnality, and worldliness. Surrender every facet of your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus did not endure the agony of the cross for you to remain living in the swamp of sin. Jesus sacrificed Himself and triumphantly rose from the grave to liberate you from sin's shackles, to free you from the entanglements of this world, and to reconcile you with God the Father. I beg you, bow before God now, repent of your sins, call upon Jesus Christ to save you, and begin getting to know the LORD through His Holy Bible!
It is Jesus Christ you need. Throughout the Scriptures, the Father glorified and exalted Jesus. The Holy Spirit pointed people’s attention to Christ Jesus. And the entirety of the Holy Bible revolves around Jesus Christ. Without Christ, you cannot come to the Father. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.