The USA has become a battleground and is grappling with a spiritual condition, or a lack thereof, that manifests through destructive choices. In response to the escalating violence, society often attributes these heinous actions to mental illness, resorting to an endless cycle of prescribing medications as a supposed remedy. However, this approach falls short and is not the answer.
Contrary to the belief that we face a surge in mental illness, the reality is that we are in a spiritual warfare. We are experiencing an increase in spiritual deterioration marked by a rising prevalence of demonic influence and demon possession. The abnormal desires to viciously destroy others' lives stem from the darkness of hell.
The impending time of God’s wrath upon the earth is approaching; it is evidenced by the increase in demonic activity and the decline of Christian influence. There is a vacuum of God’s light in the land, and in the absence of light, darkness readily prevails. The Church exhibits a Laodicean apathy; we deny God’s power and lack the Spirit’s impact. Consequently, we have fallen short in safeguarding our land, allowing even the hearts of our children to be destructively influenced by satanic forces.
The prevalence of an ungodly environment has provided satanic forces to have a foothold among us. We have permitted perverted television programs, evil music and video games, as well as other corrupt materials to infiltrate the hearts of our people and children. There is no restraint against unacceptable content accessing people's hearts through their ears and eyes. Thus, the presence of satanic spiritual influence is rapidly intensifying in people’s rational and decision-making. Hell has unleashed a torrent of perversion, hatred, and destruction, now saturating our people's hearts. In this darkness, demonic activity thrives, wreaking havoc on lives with escalating intensity.
Nevertheless, the true solution lies in the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The power of God to transform lives is the gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s Holy Bible is a power in itself. As Christians, we ought to repent of our apathy, rise up once again, and engage in the truest form of spiritual warfare by proclaiming the message of Christ on the highways and byways; just as in the olden days with fervent men like Billy Sunday, Dwight Moody, R.A. Torrey, and many others.
But how many Christians are preaching on the streets, in our schools, and in our communities? Only a handful. When was the last time you witnessed a Spirit-filled Christian casting out a devil through the power of God's Word? Probably never. The sad truth is that most cannot conceive such a manifestation of God. The Church now aligns herself with unwise and imprudent teachers; we embrace worldly philosophies and traditional psychology over God's Holy Bible and deny the power. We have adopted the world's way of thinking and welcome the overuse of prescriptions rather than preaching the Word of God and the power of Christ’s blood. The result is the world is plunging into hell, with a growing number of people succumbing to demonic possession and satanic oppression.
Our nation mirrors the parable of Jesus, where He warned about the perils of a cleaned yet unguarded house. Drawing an analogy, Jesus spoke of a man from whom an unclean spirit was cast out, yet, later the evil spirit returned to find the house empty of the presence of God. This unclean spirit brought back with him seven worse spirits than himself. The resemblance to the United States is profound. In the 18th thru early 20th centuries, God's holy Word was a cleanser in our land. However, in the 1930s, Christians gradually adopted worldly ways, leading to a distancing from God and a departure from His protection.
Today, our nation has drifted so far from God that the issues we face are no longer minor problems like misbehavior, disrespect, and lapses in moral conduct. Instead, we grapple with severe troubles, including foul assaults, hatred, murders, and unprecedented rebellion among both adults and children.
As Christians, it is imperative that we seriously contemplate the spiritual reality around us. These deep troubles are not merely observations but demand our active involvement and accountability. The soul-wrenching nature of today’s reality should serve as a clarion call for action. It's time for us to recognize the spiritual battle around us and reclaim the power of Christ in our lives and society.
We need to humble ourselves, leading to prayer and fasting. We need to nourish our souls with the Word of God, and we must boldly, with the filling of God’s Spirit, go out among the byways and every day proclaim Christ Jesus and His Holy Word. The normalization of demonic influence must be combatted through a personal revival of spiritual awakening and unwavering commitment to God's Holy Bible. While we recognize that we are in the last seconds before the rapture, this doesn’t mean a passive wait for Christ as the world goes to hell. Instead, we are called to occupy ourselves in God’s holy work, making the most of every remaining moment while a glimmer of light persists.