inspired by: 1 Chronicles 16:9
Give thanks unto the LORD, let Christ’s name resound,
With joyful hearts, let His praises abound.
Make known His mighty deeds, His wonders untold,
Proclaim His glory to all, young and old.
Sing praises unto God; let our voices ring clear,
With melodies of gratitude, draw people near.
Speak of His living Word, with awe and delight,
Illuminate hearts, like stars in the night.
Talk to people about the miracles He has done,
How His grace and mercy shine like the sun.
Recount His blessings, both great and small,
In every story, let His love enthrall.
For His power knows no limit, His ways divine,
In His presence, all fear and doubt swiftly resign.
Give thanks unto the LORD, our strength and guide,
In His love and faithfulness, we joyfully abide.
Let the world know of His marvelous grace,
How His compassion fills every empty space.
With grateful hearts, we lift His name on high,
Proclaiming His goodness in the earth and sky.
Give thanks unto the LORD, His glory declare,
Through every moment, in praise, we share.
His wondrous works, let us forever proclaim,
And honor His name, in joyous acclaim.