The Creator of Heaven and Earth is a Person of love. He manifests His light to all humanity, ensuring no one is without the opportunity to know Him. From the vastness of the cosmos to the intricacies of a single cell, every facet of the universe bears witness to His divine nature and eternal power. The beauty and order of creation reflect God's character, inviting us to seek and know Him. ✨
God is not only a loving Creator but also a righteous Judge who executes judgment. God graciously provides humanity an abundance of His light, manifesting through creation, our conscience, His law written in our hearts, and the Holy Bible. We possess everything necessary to seek and experience Him. Despite this, mankind often rebels against God's light and chooses to stray from Him, succumbing to the allure of sin that reaps violence, destruction, and death. ⚖️
The pages of history show that rebellion is not merely a series of isolated incidents but a deep condition of the human heart, leading humans estranged from their Creator. Consequently, God's judgment becomes inevitable, much like the Great Flood that engulfed the world. This historical event is a terrifying reminder that there are consequences for persistent sin. God views sin seriously. During that dark era, God saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil. This profound corruption grieved God's heart, compelling Him to cleanse the world of its perpetual evil. 🖤
God, in His infinite mercy, forewarned mankind through the preaching of Noah, warning of an impending global flood as divine judgment. Noah, a righteous man, preached repentance for decades. Despite his faithfulness, only Noah and his immediate family heeded the warning, underscoring the hardness of human hearts. After the great judgment, God established a covenant with humanity, promising never to destroy the world with a flood again. This covenant was a testament to God's enduring mercy and faithfulness, symbolized by a rainbow adorned with seven vibrant colors. The number seven in the Bible represents completion, promise, and rest, encapsulating the fullness of God's commitment to humanity. 🕊️
In stark contrast, today's culture has rejected God's magnificent seven-colored rainbow of promise, opting instead for a substitute: the six-color rainbow of judgment. This altered six-color rainbow discards the completeness and promise of the number seven. Instead, it embraces a deficient symbol of six, signifying judgment, incompleteness, and a focus on man, not God as depicted in the Bible. This symbolic transition is not merely a matter of aesthetics but reflects a deeper spiritual reality—a collective turning away from the Creator's promise and towards self-reliance and human-centric ideologies. 🚫
Today, sinners are heralding their doom by embracing a six-color rainbow of judgment. Just as in Noah's day, God's messengers are warning the world of imminent judgment. Is anyone listening? The echoes of Noah's warning resound today, urging people to recognize the signs of the times and turn back to God. Like the days preceding the great flood, people are engrossed in their pursuits, oblivious to God's presence and involvement. The relentless pursuit of personal pleasure, wealth, and status consumes the modern consciousness, often at the cost of spiritual awareness and moral integrity. 🔊
Back in Noah's day, as in today's culture, people celebrated sexual perversion, fixated on materialistic obsessions, and idolized fellow human beings. The parallels are striking and troubling, revealing a recurring pattern of human behavior that persists across millennia. As in Noah's time, only a few heeded the preacher's words, recognized God's warnings, and repented. Similarly, in our present day, only a remnant of people are heeding the preachers' message of repentance. 🙏
Therefore, let us not deceive ourselves, for God cannot be mocked. Swift judgment awaits humanity, not in the form of a global flood, but through the righteous fire of God's indignation, ignited by mankind's own destructive choices. This impending judgment isn't arbitrary punishment but the natural consequences of a world that has forsaken its Creator. Yet, amid this sobering warning, a message of hope shines: God's desire is not for destruction but reconciliation. He calls you to repentance, extending forgiveness and new life through Jesus Christ. Will you heed His call and respond? 🔥