I ordered a taco, hard shell and fine,
But as I bit in, it fell out of line.
It crumbled to pieces, a mess on my plate,
We laughed at the sight, it was quite the fate.
But as I pondered this taco's demise,
It struck me how some people meet surprise.
Their hearts are shattered, their lives torn apart,
A relationship lost, a friend's broken heart.
Like my taco, they're left in pieces,
Wondering if there's hope in their creases.
But let me tell you, dear reader, it's true,
Even shattered things can still be of value.
For though my taco was now a mess,
It still was good to eat, I must confess.
And in life, though we may feel like we're through,
There's hope to pick up the pieces, to start anew.
So if you find yourself shattered and broken,
Remember the taco, its story unspoken.
There's still value in you, you're still worthwhile,
Pick up the pieces, and let your heart smile.
The moral is simple, easy to see,
Even shattered things hold possibility.
For if we are broken, we can still be used,
In new ways, we can find our purpose infused.