Since my departure from Colombia, my thoughts linger on a fellow believer and his wife. She has distanced herself from Christ, and surprised those around her. I am convinced that the root of her backsliding is she has lost her first love—Jesus Christ. She has forgotten ALL Christ has done for her, the extensive and ongoing work Christ is doing for her. She has gotten her attention off of Christ; like her, when our attention shifts away from Christ, we inevitably fixate on traditions, customs, and rules – and are left with want and regret. Christ doesn’t want his beloved to look at obligations, dos and don’ts; instead, Christ longs for His beloved to gaze upon His face. In His eyes, there is no lack, only so much boundless love He has to offer. Therefore, we must center our preaching on Christ, guiding all to behold Him more clearly. 💖🙏🌟