Tired of life, stumbling around,
Wondering the will of God, lost and unfound,
Invading others' lives, making commotion within,
Wiping out positivity, in a cycle of din.
Tired of life, tired of strife,
Running and fighting, it's taken a toll,
Rationality wanes, spiraling down into a hole,
Depression seeps in, dark as black coal.
Tired of life, and all the emotion,
Talking to oneself, not seeking God’s notion,
Making rash choices, impulsive and quick,
Not waiting on God, doing things on a kick.
Tired of life, walking in dimness,
Seeking the world's comfort, to ease the grimness,
Forgetting the grace of God, so easily given,
Without His mercy, all is a desolate prison.
Tired of life, and all the commotion,
We forget the beauty, and the devotion,
Of those who love us, and stand near our side,
Through thick and thin, and the rough high tides.
Tired of life, but don't give up just yet,
God is with you, even when you forget,
He's there to guide you, and lead you on,
To a better tomorrow, in a new brighter dawn.
So take to heart, and seek God’s face,
Let His love fill you, and His grace erase,
All the mess-ups, and all the deep pain,
And find great joy and peace once again.
Thank God for His mercy, for stepping in,
To reveal the errors, and the call from sin,
To heal the wounds, and mend the broken heart,
And help to rebuild, and make a brand new start.